Saturday, April 25, 2009

mode : on opinion.. :D

okay.. lets get started.. heeeee.. skang pon org da tau pasal oiam 3 nih.. tggl lagie seminggu to grand finale.. tomok, esther and aweera get thru it.. congrats guys..!! and one more thing for sure.. skang nie kite sume penentu whether it should be 2 or 3 contestant in the finale.. what do u guys think? who are supposed to be there?? nak bagi 2 org ke 3 org.. huhu.. okay2.. secare professional nye.. klau nak based kat dierg nye talent.. 3-3 org nih ade kemampuan masing2.. tapie yang mane worth that 1 million?? pening2.. klau ikot kan saya.. sememang nye tomok!! hehe.. but then, tgk last nite nye voting 4 d elimination 2.. tomok dapat tmpt ke-3..!! huhu!! pelik nye.. tekejot gile.. mane pegi peminat tomok?? and jauh sgt la vote die nye peratus klau nak banding ngan the second one? aduh.. gile btol peminat2 aweera.. sgt2 cekap mengundi nmpk nye.. ok2.. tape la kan.. naseb tomok x tekuar.. alhamdulillah..

mungkin ramai yang cakap.. alar.. ko nak tomok 2 g final sgt ke?? eyh of coz la!! die da brubah sgt kayh.. org dok perli2 die.. eyh wake up wake up.. he has done alot of thing to prove to malaysian that he can be a singer.. and his voice worth that 1 million kayh!! he done it!! saya tau la!! mengikuti perkembangan la katekan.. so, still x paham kenape ade orang yang poyo2 nak kutok2 tomok nih.. korang susah ke?? die menyusahkan korang?? mase nak g audition 2 die tumpang kete korang ke?? eyh.. come on la.. open la minda tu sket.. jgn dok zaman batu.. korang yg kutuk2 tuh.. leyh nyanyi ke?? meh nyanyi aku nak denga.. ish.. kutok sane sini.. hangin gile.. tambah2 last nite mase aku g oiam kat PAS kan.. leyh plak peminat2 esther dok ejek2 kiterang yang sokong2 tomok nih.. kiterg x kcau die pon.. tetibe nak carik pasal.. silap besa la nak carik gado ngan kiterg.. kaw2 nye kiterg kasie.. diam tros.. gle btol.. ape ntah.. ko nak sokong sape2.. ko nye pasal la.. knape kene sebok2 nak ejek2 org?? gile batak ko.. amekk.. pelik tol.. kiterg yang xde niat nak kutok esther, da tekutok sebab panas kan.. bdak2 poyo yang kutok2 tomok 2.. lebih2.. and one more thing la kan.. dierg nak kutok aweera skalie.. kire cam esther sorang je la best.. eyh.. get a life la.. ko pehal?? sume ko kutok.. cam la klau ko masok oiam, ade org nak sokong ko smpi begadoh2 ngan org lain.. mengong tol.. panas je aku ngan bdak2 tuh.. nak kate cam mental.. tgk cam waras..!! haha.. geram nih.. dok diam2 sudeyh.. wat org panas.. kutok sane sini.. ish.. cam ne la nak harmoni cam2.. lebih2.. kiterg bukan la nak gado sgt ngan dierg.. but ayat2 dierg x leyh blah.. naseb x kene karate ngan aku semalam.. elok je kang tercampak sorang2 masok tv!! huahuahua.. :p

ok2.. cool down hanie.. haha.. ok2.. so.. for tomok's fans!! keep voting.. mmg skang agak kritikal.. sebab percentage tomok agak jauh ngan yang laen.. keep voting..!! jangan terleka.. heeeeeee.. :D
and for those yang x minat tomok, tapie da mule meminati.. sile vote!! die layak menang.. sebab die da buktikan kemampuan die pade sume.. n skang nie 100% terletak pade kite rakyat malaysia.. heeeee.. ayaaaattt.. haha.. so.. keep voting!! help him to win this competition.. pray 4 his victory..!! heeeeeeee.. :D

n of coz.. for those yang x minat 2.. but cam mengong nak kutok sane sini.. xyah susah2 nak vote.. n xyah susah nak kutok.. sudah2 la tuh.. cam la tomok 2 penah nyusah kan korang.. korang yang susah2 nak kutok 2 pehal..?? ske sangat tambah dose..!! x-(

to tomok, chayok2!! x kesa menang ke x.. u'll always be our (kami2 yang support) one in a million!! yahuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! :)


HANA said...


just drop by i saw yr blog in the norajoey as tomz fan..ha ha ha..i like the way u blasah those culprits..they deserved to get that right on their face...aha fanatic fanz ker??...mmmm...anyway syukor tht tomz won the competition lastly eventhough we battle like a hell voting hu hu...myself habis hundreds ringgit just to see tomz got the 1 mil...suke tngok dia happy..sedey when he cried..i pun tercried sama..anyway hope he'll dun forget to where he belongs okay??...ok hanie..plz do visit me if you are free k...a lot of things can share with you...


|| hanie_muhamad || said...

wsalam hana..
yes2.. those yang kutok2 mesti ngah terdiam skang nih.. syukur sangat2 tomok menang..!! yahuuuuuuuu.. alhamdulillah.. neway, thanks for dropping by.. i'll catch ur blog entry soon.. hehe.. tgguuuuu.. :D